Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Who Inspires Me

There are many people that inspire me.  There are many athletes, musicians, and other public figures that I look up to and who have inspired me with their accomplishments and the things they have overcome; however, the older I got the more I realized that it isn’t only ‘famous’ people that are worthy of being considered inspiring.  It’s the people in my everyday life that I find most inspiring.

My dad was definitely my first hero.  Growing up my dad coached all my softball teams, was at all my school functions, and supported me in anything I wanted to do.  People always tell me I am a spitting image of my father and there was no doubt I was his kid.  All the things he loved, I loved, and I wanted to be just like him.  He taught me how to play guitar, when I was younger and he was my softball coach he threw the ball harder at me than anyone else because he knew it would make me better, and when he taught me how to ride my first bicycle he pushed me down a hill and screamed at me to use the breaks.  Later he taught me to ride motorcycles and although he didn’t want me to get a motorcycle license he was still proud of me when I did.  My whole life I saw my dad work so hard to provide for my family and me and I always appreciated that.  He worked so many hours a week only to come home and coach our softball and baseball teams, drive us all over the place, and fix all the things we broke.  My dad taught me the importance of working hard. 

My sister also inspires me.  My sister is two years younger than me but she is pretty much like an older sister to me.  My sister is my best friend.  She works so hard and does so much, in high school she played sports, was the drum major in the band, worked, took all honors and AP classes, got good grades, and had a lot of friends.  Now she is at UCONN doing great things and I am so proud of her.  She inspires me to work hard and do well in school.  She is always there for me and she’s my best friend and always has been, even when she was my only friend.  Even though sometimes we fight I know I can always count on her.      

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