Wednesday, December 3, 2014

What Fictional Character Did You Look Up To?

I honestly can’t think of a fictional character that I looked up to.  I never really read to many fiction books, I preferred non-fiction.  I didn’t really have any interest in superheroes, comics, or Star Wars or anything like that.  There were plenty of people I looked up to and wanted to be like but I don’t think there was ever a fictional character I especially liked or looked up to.
I did like Reggie from the TV show Rocket Power.  Rocket Power was an animated kids show on Nickelodeon about four friends that lived in Hawaii and their lives playing extreme sports.  Reggie was the only girl of the friends and she was never let that stop her.  She was just as talented as an athlete as the boys and she also wanted to be a writer and wrote her own ‘magazine’.  As a young girl who always liked action sports, primarily played by boys, I thought that Reggie was really cool and I wanted to be like her.    
I think it is important for kids to find fictional characters they can identify with and look up to.  Seeing fictional characters as positive role models can help motivate kids to accomplish their goals and feel comfortable being themselves, even if that means they are different in some way.


  1. I had a hard time identifying with a fictional character from my childhood as well. I like that you chose Reggie because she did everything the boys would do. I would've identified with her myself. I also agree that it is important for kids to identify with heroes. I believe that thee are so many more strong female heroes now than there were when I was a child and I love it! Nice job!

  2. Amanda,

    I as well had a difficult time thinking back on my childhood to figure out if I ever looked up to a fictional character. I'm sure I had many growing up, even though I can't think of them now. I agree with you that it is important that kids have a fictional hero who they can relate and look up to. Great post!

  3. I think this a very positive post! It shows that girls or woman can do anything a boy or man can do. This also explains how children need to have stronger and more important role models that will lead them to success! I would suggest elaborating more on how Reggie had influenced you. Also, how would you address this issue of the need of positive role models in your future class?

  4. I like your focus on a strong female character. We need to talk about how literacy and media engender roles in society. The rise of the strong female character is a positive event in history.

    Good luck next semester.
